The design-thinking ideology asserts that a hands-on, user-centric approach to problem-solving can lead to innovation, and innovation can lead to differentiation and competitive advantage. This hands-on, user-centric approach is defined by the design-thinking process and comprises 6 distinct phases.

Design Thinking Process Overview

The Advantage

Why should we introduce a new way to think about product development? There are numerous reasons to engage in design thinking, enough to merit a standalone article, but in summary, design thinking achieves all these advantages at the same time:

The Take-Away

In essence, the Design Thinking process is iterative, flexible and focused on collaboration between designers and users, with an emphasis on bringing ideas to life based on how real users think, feel and behave.

Design thinking tackles the complex problem by:

  1. Empathising: Understanding the human needs involved.
  2. Defining: Re-framing and defining the problem in human-centric ways.
  3. Ideating: Creating many ideas in ideation sessions.
  4. Prototyping: Adopting a hands-on approach in prototyping.
  5. Testing: Developing a prototype/solution to the problem.

Design Thinking's Principles, Methods & More


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References & Further Readings About Design Thinking

  1. The 5 Stages in the Design Thinking Process

    The Design Thinking process is a human-centered, iterative methodology that designers use to solve problems. It has 5 steps—Empathize, Define, Ideate, Prototype and Test.

  2. Design Thinking 101

    What is design thinking and why should you care? History and background plus a quick overview and visualization of 6 phases of the design thinking process.

  3. Design thinking - Wikipedia

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  4. 40 Design Thinking Success Stories - The Accidental Design Thinker

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  5. Design Thinking Stories › This is Design Thinking!

    Visit the post for more.

  6. Design Thinking Tools & Resources - The Accidental Design Thinker

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