Notice: Function amp_is_available was called incorrectly. `amp_is_available()` (or `amp_is_request()`, formerly `is_amp_endpoint()`) was called too early and so it will not work properly. WordPress is currently doing the `amp_init` hook. Calling this function before the `wp` action means it will not have access to `WP_Query` and the queried object to determine if it is an AMP response, thus neither the `amp_skip_post()` filter nor the AMP enabled toggle will be considered. It appears the plugin with slug `schema-and-structured-data-for-wp` is responsible; please contact the author. Please see Debugging in WordPress for more information. (This message was added in version 2.0.0.) in /home/crtivo5/ on line 6085

Notice: Function amp_is_available was called incorrectly. `amp_is_available()` (or `amp_is_request()`, formerly `is_amp_endpoint()`) was called too early and so it will not work properly. WordPress is currently doing the `amp_init` hook. Calling this function before the `wp` action means it will not have access to `WP_Query` and the queried object to determine if it is an AMP response, thus neither the `amp_skip_post()` filter nor the AMP enabled toggle will be considered. It appears the plugin with slug `schema-and-structured-data-for-wp` is responsible; please contact the author. Please see Debugging in WordPress for more information. (This message was added in version 2.0.0.) in /home/crtivo5/ on line 6085

Notice: Function amp_is_available was called incorrectly. `amp_is_available()` (or `amp_is_request()`, formerly `is_amp_endpoint()`) was called too early and so it will not work properly. WordPress is currently doing the `init` hook. Calling this function before the `wp` action means it will not have access to `WP_Query` and the queried object to determine if it is an AMP response, thus neither the `amp_skip_post()` filter nor the AMP enabled toggle will be considered. It appears the plugin with slug `schema-and-structured-data-for-wp` is responsible; please contact the author. Please see Debugging in WordPress for more information. (This message was added in version 2.0.0.) in /home/crtivo5/ on line 6085

Notice: Function amp_is_available was called incorrectly. `amp_is_available()` (or `amp_is_request()`, formerly `is_amp_endpoint()`) was called too early and so it will not work properly. WordPress is currently doing the `init` hook. Calling this function before the `wp` action means it will not have access to `WP_Query` and the queried object to determine if it is an AMP response, thus neither the `amp_skip_post()` filter nor the AMP enabled toggle will be considered. It appears the plugin with slug `schema-and-structured-data-for-wp` is responsible; please contact the author. Please see Debugging in WordPress for more information. (This message was added in version 2.0.0.) in /home/crtivo5/ on line 6085
The Elusive 600 – The 4I.Design

Through the Brief Book, Joseph McCormack tells us about the Elusive 600 and how to use it in the aim to present great ideas in little words.

We have the mental capacity to comprehend 750 words a minute but most people speak at 150 words a minute. That leaves 600 extra words a minute that we can still process. As a result, we often fill that void with random thoughts. Joseph McCormack

As McCormack says, “we have to make those 150 words meaningful enough for our audience to truly focus on them.” not only focus but also we need to choose words that can open the imagination of our user’s mind to a specific idea.

We use many helpful interaction-models to represent our ideas and concepts, one of the most important parts will be always the linguistic model.

Such an idea helps us to create effective stories. there always a story behind representing any kind of data (product page, about us, services page) whatever, which will shape our target audience decision and affect the product future in general accordingly.

However Less is more, but also remember the rule “Don’t make me think”, so we have to choose clear/short words which control the way our user’s minds will fill the extra 600 words with.

Please, don’t take the mentioned numbers as a reference, take the idea and build a little content that leaves a big impact.

References & Further Readings About The Elusive 600

  1. Title not found!

    Description not found!

  2. Are they Hearing what you are saying ?Manage your excess mental bandwidth E03 The Elusive 600 TTQS.

    “The successful warrior is the average man, with laser-like focus.”Bruce LeeHow can you do that during a conversation. Knowing the concept of Elusive 600, yo...

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